Friday, November 26, 2010

Television: Teacher, mother, secret lover

After dedicating an entire afternoon on the couch to learning a multitude of various Tv theme songs, an odd trend has emerged. It seems that not only are all themes getting less memorable (that could be down to my own levels of nostalgia/dementia though) but none of them seem to explain the premise of the show any more.

Setting up the following half hour with a simple, twenty second round up of what's going on is the greatest gift any TV show can give to the channel hopping loafer, and while this is probably something considered necessary more with children than with an adult audience, it definitely lends a more grandiose air to things, and ramps up the excitement for the show which follows (although again that might just have been how easily amused I was as a child)

Anyway here's a few of my favorite examples and I challenge anyone to say these aren't classic songs from classic shows, although that may depend on you being the same age as I am...

Couldn't do a post about TV themes without the king of them all though:

Or this for that matter:

Ah, lovely

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