Surely at some point during the development of this ad, someone must have turned around and said 'seriously guys this is pretty fucking weak'?
Snoop Diggedy Dogg, rapping about Pepsi in an ad? Not even rapping about it actually, just reminding people how to spell it correctly. Didn't there once exist a time when musicians/artists (loose usage here) used to have some vague sense of integrity? When they were in it 'for the music' and selling out was a serious accusation?
Also how much did this fucking cost? Despite being the walking punch line that he is, he's not gonna be cheap and if you're gonna stuff a ludicrous amount of cash into his claw, at least get him to do something entertaining.
Like I'd love to have seen him down 2 litres of Pepsi in one go. Or even make some awful joke about the fact that the sort of coke he likes has no business being brown (Dark brown? What colour would you describe coke as actually?).
Anyway as I said I'd like to say this shocked me but the fact is it didn't. And that makes me sad.
I'm just going to go about my business and by way of my mp3 playing time machine try and revisit a time when artists had integrity and couldn't be bought.

Much better
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