Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rooms without doors are not really rooms...

Today for the first time I ventured over to the international house of pancakes known as IKEA, searching for a cheap table and an answer as to why everyone loves buying furniture they have to make themselves.

It's literally the most insane place I've ever been. Everyone is just walking through these weird little rooms and layouts with the same expression of concern and delight normally reserved for fathers who've just uncovered their son's secret stash of weed.

The fact that I could have skipped the 15 minute amble through the place and just gone straight downstairs was annoying but it alerted me to the sheer volume of people who had nothing better to do on a Wednesday morning than wander around a large warehouse pretending to be several small rooms. I never would have considered the Swedish to be the kind to misdirect intentionally, but this entire company is built around a lie: None of those 'rooms' had doors.

That said though, I managed to put the table together without resorting to swearing (much) or drinking alone and it was only €29 so overall it was a success.

To celebrate, here are some of my favourite IKEA ads.


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