Monday, November 29, 2010

40 Second Songs #2 - Happy Days Theme

To follow up from a recent post involving TV theme songs and a Friday afternoon spent on the couch, I decided to share some of the results here in an attempt to make me feel like it wasn't a completely wasted day.

Granted it's longer than 40 seconds and its not an original but if that is something that you take umbrage with... sit on it

Homer: It'll be great to see the old gang again. Potsie, Ralph Malph, the Fonz.

Marge: That wasn't you, that was "Happy Days"!

Homer: No, they weren't all happy days. Like the time Pinky Tuscadero crashed her motorcycle, or the night I lost all my money to those card sharks and my dad Tom Bosley had to get it back.

I think that says it all really...

I went for a walk, and took some pictures

Not much scenery in fairness...
Nice snow doh

Barking Mad


Daily Wig #14

Coffee does sound good actually...

"Cheer up, Ed. This is not goodbye. It's just I won't ever see you again..."

So the news has spread that sadly Leslie Neilsen died this morning at the ripe old age of 84.

Celebrity deaths are all the rage these days an usually don't register on my radar but this is the first one in a while that actually got my attention. This is the man who gave us hours of entertainment as Lt. Frank Drebin and this morning the internet is awash with tributes and memories, and rightly so.

The sheer volume of youtube clips and quotes from Airplane and The Naked Gun series that are all over Facebook and Twitter show just how much people loved this guy and the astonishing level of ridiculousness he could generate in a seemingly innocent and straight forward situation.

You've seen them all before but even after a hundred viewings they're still gold:

One of the funniest men to have ever been called Shirley.

He will definitely be missed.

Leslie Nielsen

February 11, 1926 - November 28, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Daily Wig #13

"No deal McCutcheon. That moon money is mine!"

Television: Teacher, mother, secret lover

After dedicating an entire afternoon on the couch to learning a multitude of various Tv theme songs, an odd trend has emerged. It seems that not only are all themes getting less memorable (that could be down to my own levels of nostalgia/dementia though) but none of them seem to explain the premise of the show any more.

Setting up the following half hour with a simple, twenty second round up of what's going on is the greatest gift any TV show can give to the channel hopping loafer, and while this is probably something considered necessary more with children than with an adult audience, it definitely lends a more grandiose air to things, and ramps up the excitement for the show which follows (although again that might just have been how easily amused I was as a child)

Anyway here's a few of my favorite examples and I challenge anyone to say these aren't classic songs from classic shows, although that may depend on you being the same age as I am...

Couldn't do a post about TV themes without the king of them all though:

Or this for that matter:

Ah, lovely

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Daily Wig #12

Back to normal after three days of unshakable panic, and once again the age old adage of party hardy equals tardy has held firm. However if my suspicions are correct I may have stumbled upon the ultimate way to recover from any variety of weekend misdemeanors.

This recipe is guaranteed to blow the cobwebs off... if not your dick

Recipe for breakfast sludge


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Daily Wig #11

My general demeanor should not be one of panic on a Tuesday afternoon...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Daily Wig #10

Busy week but finally getting back to the blog

Try to guess which day today was...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Someone paid for this to be made...

"Rubik, the Amazing Cube was a Saturday morning cartoon that aired from 10 September 1983–1 September 1984 in the United States, produced by Ruby-Spears Productions. The program, broadcast as part of The Pac-Man/Rubik, the Amazing Cube Hour block on ABC, featured a magic Rubik’s Cube named Rubik who could fly through the air and had other special powers. Rubik could only come alive when the colored squares on his sides had been matched up."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

40 Second Song #1 - Sunny side up

The first in a series (hopefully)

40 second songs are ideas I've never finished due to laziness and other mitigating circumstances but if I post them here I feel like I've achieved something. Also being the ego maniac that I am cutting them down to 40 seconds is teaching me a much needed lesson in restraint.

Hopefully they don't offend your ears too much, and if for some reason anyone wants to do anything with these, work away.

Oh and in case you were wondering, yes I did make the video myself...

If you go cold turkey, your brain throws a tantrum...

Another really interesting article about understanding how to trick your mind into doing what you want it to without having to resort to trial and error.

This would have been far more useful to learn in college rather than the story of some tart called Helen who started a make believe war...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Daily Wig #9

Apparently if you're between 25 and 35 you had this as a kid.

The Fisher-Price Parking Ramp Service Center was the focal point of many of my early childhood afternoons.

It had a ramp, a life for the cars, a fake petrol pump and a turntable to maneuver the cars out of their respective parking spaces.

I wish my imagination was still as active now as it was then, cos this seems pretty weak in hindsight...

Rooms without doors are not really rooms...

Today for the first time I ventured over to the international house of pancakes known as IKEA, searching for a cheap table and an answer as to why everyone loves buying furniture they have to make themselves.

It's literally the most insane place I've ever been. Everyone is just walking through these weird little rooms and layouts with the same expression of concern and delight normally reserved for fathers who've just uncovered their son's secret stash of weed.

The fact that I could have skipped the 15 minute amble through the place and just gone straight downstairs was annoying but it alerted me to the sheer volume of people who had nothing better to do on a Wednesday morning than wander around a large warehouse pretending to be several small rooms. I never would have considered the Swedish to be the kind to misdirect intentionally, but this entire company is built around a lie: None of those 'rooms' had doors.

That said though, I managed to put the table together without resorting to swearing (much) or drinking alone and it was only €29 so overall it was a success.

To celebrate, here are some of my favourite IKEA ads.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Daily Wig #8

I would definitely buy one of these if someone gave me a job.

Joining a wedding band would then seem like the next obvious step

Accidental find...

Honestly, Getty images will have a picture of your neighbour sitting on the jacks in a few years (should you need it).

Keywords: People, Majestic, Smart, Bizarre, Humour, Surprise, Enjoyment, Unity, Horizontal, Waist Up, Outdoors, Front View, Digital Composite, Caucasian Appearance, Oriental Ethnicity, Multiracial Group, Crowd, Standing, Cheering, USA, Elephant, Day, Arms Up, Adult, Overcast, Standing Out From The Crowd, Celebration, Mixed Age Range, One Animal, Group Of People, Large Group Of People, Men, Women, Surreal, Photography, Full Suit, Eccentric, Safari Animals, Out Of Context, Shirt and Tie, Adults Only

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Daily Wig #7

I never even considered the belly button as the potential source of comedy gold...

These people deserve our respect and admiration for literally making themselves walking jokes.

Well done.

Ok, ok, just one more video. It's really good though, I promise

By two guys called Everynone created for a Radiolab podcast

Fuzzy, marshmallowy yet sombre feeling which hopefully makes you think.

So annoyed I missed these guys last week

Australian band who have many many fine albums for you to seduce your earholes with.

Lovely shtuff

I'm a fan of 5 second films.

The Spider from jeff hamada on Vimeo.

I should be more upbeat on a Sunday but...

So once again it's November. It's cold, it's wet, it's depressing and to make things worse, everywhere you look there are Christmas ads and decorations being stuffed down your throat. And while we probably won't get much sympathy from the turkeys of the world, the cantankerous grinches among us have to endure a good seven weeks of this nonsense before it's acceptable to officially embrace the season and go on the piss for 7 days straight.

The right attitude to adopt however, is always a perilous decision; whether to gouge ones eyes out with candy cane or indulge your inner child and get into the spirit of things?

It is undeniable that there are certain moments in the middle of all the Christmas carnage that signify the true arrival of Jesus, Santa and the boys for another one of their annual bachelor parties like no other; the Coca Cola ad and the Kellog's ad being two pretty obvious ones and having Christmas without these moments would be like having a secret Austrian sex basement without the incest.

The flip side of this however, could almost be considered distasteful.

I was in Dunnes about two weeks ago and they were already balls deep in Christmas warfare.
Dining sets with tables and chairs, fancy cutlery, crackers... the works. It's worrying.

Buying stuff that far in advance of Christmas is a pretty high gamble.

You might estimate that you'l have six people for dinner this year and get that upgraded dining table with the fancy chairs, but what happens if the baltic winter that's been forecast takes a hold of Grandpa Joe and he doesn't quite make it to the 25th?

Or if that new friend your wife's been harping on about from her yoga class turns out to be more than just a good friend? Then you'll be left holding the Christmas bag and there won't be any toys in it, just a massive credit card bill and a great big ball of depression.

For your eclectic musical taste; EL GUINCHO | Bombay

EL GUINCHO | Bombay from MGdM | Marc Gómez del Moral on Vimeo.

I'm not sure if MTV even has music videos anymore, but I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be on it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Daily Wig #6

Some funny/weird screen shots from the past week or so:

[click to enlarge]

I'd like to say I'm shocked but...

Surely at some point during the development of this ad, someone must have turned around and said 'seriously guys this is pretty fucking weak'?

Snoop Diggedy Dogg, rapping about Pepsi in an ad? Not even rapping about it actually, just reminding people how to spell it correctly. Didn't there once exist a time when musicians/artists (loose usage here) used to have some vague sense of integrity? When they were in it 'for the music' and selling out was a serious accusation?

Also how much did this fucking cost? Despite being the walking punch line that he is, he's not gonna be cheap and if you're gonna stuff a ludicrous amount of cash into his claw, at least get him to do something entertaining.

Like I'd love to have seen him down 2 litres of Pepsi in one go. Or even make some awful joke about the fact that the sort of coke he likes has no business being brown (Dark brown? What colour would you describe coke as actually?).

Anyway as I said I'd like to say this shocked me but the fact is it didn't. And that makes me sad.

I'm just going to go about my business and by way of my mp3 playing time machine try and revisit a time when artists had integrity and couldn't be bought.

Much better


Cool video made from 1554 pictures.

Creep (Radiohead) - Scala & Kolacny Brothers from Alex Heller on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Daily Wig #5

I blame Bill Watterson for shaping me into the cynical, ill-tempered six year old, that friends, family and unfortunate strangers have to deal with on a daily basis.

Thanks Bill.

This will be revisited.

(Insert witty title here)

Up until about 5 minutes ago, this post was a malignant, 937 word rant denouncing American politics and the utter level of insanity that it manages to conjure up whenever some sort of election or vote rolls around.

However, it is no longer appearing in its original form. Instead it is coming to you in the form of things that I've found over the last few days relating to the level of insanity that American Politics manages to conjure up whenever some sort of election or vote rolls around, that made me laugh.

Some were funny in themselves while others were funny in the kind of way that makes you laugh in disbelief, look at it again, stop laughing for a minute, google the term being used, realise that you've actually become stupider as a result of being exposed to the communication in question, send it on to a close friend, then laugh again at the fact that you've just made them as dumb as you are. *


She's not lying, just ask anyone who works in pubic relations

I wonder where they stand on the subject of pudding?

Who isn't?

Think of seeing your dad storming out of the house with this

Justin Bieber is the matrix

Loves baby killing?

The pride of Reddit

Surprised the art direction on this wasn't more graphic

Really? What?

*This post has definitely impaired your intelligence

Monday, November 1, 2010

Daily Wig #4

Anonymous USB file sharing network in New York?

Read article

If this is true it's a pretty cool idea, at first glance. The more you think about it though, the creepier it becomes. What sort of repugnant filth would end up on something like that? As much as it would be interesting to see what would be on it (and could be used to devastating effect in some sort of scavenger hunt around the city - if they were everywhere of course) you know someone would fuck this up pretty quickly. Would you normally plug into something that you just met in the street without so much as an introduction? I don't think that sort of behaviour has been a good idea since the 80s.

One of the comments refers to it as a 'glory hole for laptops'.

Disgustingly accurate description.