Wednesday, January 26, 2011

But I like sitting here...

Looking through the eye of an overcast Wednesday afternoon leads you to quite a number of interesting observations, both about yourself and those around you. Is it really necessary to wear a watch on both wrists? Is it really fair to mistake organisation for obliviousness? Should office politics really be this entertaining?

It’s not important to find the answer to these meaningless questions, they are just that; meaningless. The real genius is to keep asking them, and to endlessly speculate on areas in which no man can claim to be an authority, yet should always strive to be one.

These topics are the foundations of all things great – pub chats, conversations on park benches in the middle of the day despite the absence of either sunshine or warmth, or even the fabled rooftop musings that can only accompany the maiden voyage of a Chinese lantern.

This ramble has unexpectedly turned into something of a thematic piece, which due to the beauty of post-rationalisation will be given a snappy title to make it look like it was planned from the very moment my eyes open this morning, but in reality it was conceived, like all great conversations, through a combination of boredom, a wandering mind and the presence of an endlessly interesting parade of people passing by my desk.

And just this minute, another human truth has been revealed. If you want someone to try and do something you don’t want to do yourself; issue him a challenge. Tell him no one has been able to do it so far, stand back and watch his ego wrestle with a photographic tent.

Works every time...


  1. So was it loose the whole time then to allow for the face to flip or was the face and strap relationship somewhat divided?

  2. I like it Mark... keep on musing. It's all true, what you say.
