Monday, May 9, 2011

Very first scene of Seinfeld - the craft of writing comedy

[Scene: Pete's luncheonette. Jerry and George are sitting at a table.]

JERRY: Seems to me, that button is in the worst possible spot. [talking about George's shirt] The second button literally makes or breaks the shirt, look at it: it's too high! It's in no-man's-land, you look like you live with your mother.

GEORGE: Are you through? [kind of irritated]

JERRY: You do of course try on, when you buy?

GEORGE: Yes, it was purple, I liked it, I don't actually recall considering the buttons.

JERRY: Oh, you don't recall?

GEORGE: [pretends he's talking into a microphone] Uh, no, not at this time.

JERRY: Well, senator, I just like to know, what you knew and when you knew it. [a waitress approaches the table]

WAITRESS: Mister Seinfeld. [she pours coffee in his cup] Mister Costanza. [she wants to pour coffee, but George stops her]

GEORGE: Are, are you sure this is decaf? Where's the orange indicator?

WAITRESS: It's missing, I have to do it in my head: decaf left, regular right, decaf left, regular's very challenging work. [ironically]

JERRY: Can you relax, it's a cup of coffee, Claire is a professional waitress.

WAITRESS: Trust me George: no one has any interest in seeing you on caffeine. [she pours the coffee and walks away]

GEORGE: How come you're not doin' the second show tomorrow?

JERRY: Well, there's this uh, woman might be comin' in.

GEORGE: Wait a second, wait a second, what coming in, what woman is coming in?

JERRY: I told you about Laura, the girl I met in Michigan?

GEORGE: No, you didn't!

JERRY: I thought I told you about it, yes, she teaches political science? I met her the night I did the show in Lansing...[looks in the milk can] There's no milk in here, what...

GEORGE: Wait wait wait, what is she, [takes the milk can from Jerry and puts it on the table] what is she like?

JERRY: Oh, she's really great. I mean, she's got like a real warmth about her and she's really bright and really pretty and uh...the conversation though, I mean, it was...talking with her is like talking with you, but, ya know, obviously much better.

GEORGE: [with a big smile] So, ya know, what, what happened?

JERRY: Oh, nothing happened, ya know, but is was great.

GEORGE: Oh, nothing happened, but it was...

JERRY: Yeah.

GEORGE: This is great!

JERRY: Yeah.

GEORGE: So, ya know, she calls and says she wants to go out with you tomorrow night? God bless! Devil you!

JERRY: Yeah, well...not exactly. I mean, she said, you know, she called this morning and said she had to come in for a seminar and maybe we'll get together.

GEORGE: [whistles disapproving] Ho ho ho, "Had to"? "Had to come in"?

JERRY: Yeah, but...

GEORGE: "Had to come in" and "maybe we'll get together"? "Had to" and "Maybe"?

JERRY: Yeah!

GEORGE:, I hate to tell you this: you're not gonna see this woman.

JERRY: [indignant] What, are you serious...why, why did she call?

GEORGE: How do I know, maybe, ya know, maybe she wanted to be polite.

JERRY: To be polite? You are insane!

GEORGE: All right, all right, I didn't want to tell you this, you wanna know why she called you?


GEORGE: You're a back-up, you're a second-line, a just-in-case, a B-plan of contingency!

JERRY: Oh, I get it, this is about the button.

GEORGE: [The waitress(Claire) passes the table; George stops her and writes something on his note-block] Claire, Claire, you're a woman, right?

CLAIRE: What gave it away, George?

GEORGE: Uhm...I'd like to ask you...ask you to analyze a hypothetical phone call, ya know, from a female point of view.

JERRY: [to George] Oh, come on now, what are you asking her? Now, how is she gonna know?

GEORGE: [to Claire] Now, a woman calls me, all right? She says she has to [makes some gestures to accent "has to"] come to New York on business...

JERRY: Oh you are beautiful! [ironically]

GEORGE: and, and maybe [again some gestures] she'll see me when she gets there, does this woman intend to spend time with me?

CLAIRE: I'd have to say: uuhh, no. [George shows his note-block to Jerry, it says very largely: NO]

GEORGE: [to Claire] So why did she call?

CLAIRE: To be polite.

GEORGE: To be polite, I rest my case.

JERRY: Good. Did you have fun? You have no idea, what you're talking about, now, come on, come with me [stands up], I, I gotta go get my stuff out of the dryer anyway.

GEORGE: I'm not gonna watch you do laundry.

JERRY: Oh, come on, be a "come-with-guy".

GEORGE: Come on, I'm tired.

CLAIRE: [to Jerry] Don't worry, I gave him a little caffeine: he'll perk up.

GEORGE: [takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes; panics] Right, I knew I felt something...! [Jerry is laughing, Claire walks away with a smile]

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