Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wonder where all the Beanos went?

Best Headline Yet

So that's how they make time digital...


How my mind wanders;

Grimey is on another level


Everyone is a brand

from Flickr; -
"Who am I?
I'm a suit working in IT in the Energy sector. I crunch numbers and analyse current trends in the Electricity Market and design requirements specifications to ensure the integrity of our future is secure and reliable.

I'm a young urban punter who is getting out and living large. I live from party to party. I get messy and cause a scene, but i don't care. Life is too short to be boring!"

BArc de Triomphe

Last gasp winner

Number 2

2 random photos put together

I might get into this

Buyer's Market

Mexico 1968 logogogo


Monday, March 28, 2011

Duck Tales

Ostentatious Signature

There's a signature to aspire to...

Nice prank to kill someone


Shin Kicking

Yes this is a sport; -
The Cotswold Olimpick Games – a strange British tradition dating back many centuries - plays host to the bizarre sport of Shin Kicking. Contestants stuff the legs of their pants with straw and proceed to lock their arms with each other’s shoulders and kick the living daylights out of their opponents' shins. The competition is essentially a brutal endurance test, with the final game played out by whichever two bloodied, beaten and probably slightly drunk men manage to get that far. Each competitor wears the traditional white smocks of Cotswold shepherds, although it has been alluded to in historical texts that in days of yore shin kickers fought in the nude (suffice to say, there seems to have been no attempted revival of a nudist Shin Kicking tournament to date). The game dates back to 17th century England, where it was a pastime for the rural working communities of the West Country every year. By the time the English Civil War had ended in 1651, the puritan Oliver Cromwell had had the game banned, and it was not to reappear until the 19th century.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Paper: A Born Loser

Flying high

First purchase as soon as we get paid this month

Homer Euro!

Story; -
Candy shop owner Jose Martinez shows an official Spanish 1 Euro coin with the face of Spanish King Juan Carlos (L) and another one altered to look like a face of cartoon character Homer Simpson in the northern Spanish town of Avile August 8, 2008. Martinez found the Homer Simpson coin in his shop's cash register while counting the days' transactions last week.